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    International directory enquiries http://ghettotube.In.Net/ ghetto tube going into training camp, the knicks made the stunning decision to reshuffle its front office and replace general manager glen grunwald with former garden executive steve mills. The move not only seemed uncalled for — grunwald was praised for revamping a team that won 54 games and prevailed in a playoff series for the first time in 13 years last season — but it also drudged up memories of one of the more uncomfortable times in team history. After all, it was mills, acting as garden president, who suggested that isiah thomas be hired as team president. That decision backfired after another knicks executive, anucha browne sanders, sued thomas and the garden in 2006 for sexual harassment. Sanders was later awarded $11.6 million in punitive damages. So it must be asked: now that mills is in charge, will thomas be welcomed back into the fold? And does this spell trouble for knick coach mike woodson, a close confidante of grunwald? Questions abound as to what this means for the knicks.

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    I'm in my first year at university http://thisav.Fun/ this av the future experiments that vamivakas and his team are planning build on previous work at rochester by lukas novotny, a co-author of the paper and now at eth in zurich, switzerland. Novotny and his group showed previously that by tweaking the trapping laser's properties, a particle can be pushed towards its quantum ground state. By linking the laser cooling of the crystal resonator with the spin of the internal defect it should be possible to monitor the changes in spin configuration of the internal defect—these changes are called bohr spin quantum jumps—via the mechanical resonator's vibrations. Vamivakas explained that experiments like this would expand what we know about the classical-quantum boundary and address fundamental physics questions.

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